Thursday, September 13, 2018


Part one
My school is located in the church cemetery.  Teacher lives in a crypt - he is near death so starts calling us in one by one to berate us but also give us heirlooms.  One classmate gets a sleeve of extremely rare large coin sized dishes worth millions.

Come home; former coworker has moved in with a dog.  He had a bad day at work so baked brownies and made coffee.

Nearing end of the semester and classmates plus their spouses from high school show up on my porch with green robes for ceremony.  We all don them and practice taking pictures for my big day.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Dreamed I was in a school building and a guy was in line with me. He was super nervous.  When we got inside we faced a very pretty but bitchy girl he had sexually assaulted a few years back.  He wanted to come back and apolgize to her and lso introduce her to his wife and daughter.

The girl and her sister refused and the girl actually got so angry and scared that she overheated and zapped the guy into a puddle of goo.  Her sister wiped him up with a paper towel. 

A cat came along and begin licking the towel, so we had to try and wrestle it  away, put it in a ziplock bag, and trek across town to the science lab to try and clone him.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Sometimes I think we Sags are a conglomeration of the rest of the zodiac.  Maybe because our sign is "arched" outward and upward, we missed the more obvious traits of our zodiac kin and thus emulate inadvertently?

For instance, Sags are mostly known for being emotionless and full of adventure.  But also:

We are quite optimistic, but can be super short tempered like an Aries

It can be hard but we can be loyal to the right person, like Taurus.  However, we can be so bullheaded!

The twins, ye olde Gemini, are so two-faced sometimes.  Sadly we Sags can be just as dirty, though we at least are engaging and energetic about it...

We can definitely be just as emotional as a Cancer, though we love to dish out advice and care like most Cancers, too.

Who's more friendly than a cuddly Leo?  Obviously a Sag, but don't slip up and tell us because our egos can be massive...

It's mostly hidden, but we Sags tend to be A-Types, perfectionists, even, just like our fellow Virgos.  But it's only because we're so good at everything, just like them...

I've noticed that many Sagittarius tend to get involved in social justice.  Much like Libras, we strive to be fair and balanced...but also like Libras, we can be so darned indecisive.

Scorpios are so moody sometimes, but when they are on a happy streak they will exhaust you with their passions.  Who else does that sound like?  (Hint:  Sagittarius)

There's a reason why Sagittarius is a fire sign.  Like Capricorn, we are driven to success...but if you cross us, we will instantly cut you off.  So cold blooded...

Ah, Aquarius, so full of love for humanity and good will.  These traits are quite apparent in Sagittarius too, and also like Aquarius we can be perceived as distant and lost in our own ideals...

It's so easy to hurt the feelings of a Pisces.  This is because sometimes their imagination and creativity knows no bounds.  We Sags are this, but we might not tell you about it.


Saturday, April 28, 2018


Check out this app 👉 ... It pays for walking

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Rotty Strawberry

Dream: I just dreamed that Reg and I were staying at a very large bed and breakfast.  I walked around and found there were a lot of dogs and puppies on the property.  One was a big Rotweiller and he followed me back to the bedroom in which we were staying and literally started talking to Reggie.  The dog told Reggie that he was the dog's pet forever and had to do whatever the dog said.  Then the dog brought out one of those science project boards - it was covered in pink felt.  He folded it and then started putting information about how to grow strawberries all over it.  When Reg went over to help him, the dog proudly told us this was his daughter's science project.