Monday, September 6, 2021


I dreamed I was getting married.  We were in a city ike New York, staying n a high rise apartment.  That morning was hectic, my hair in rollers and I was in a tshirt, jeans and a big white robe.

Someone sent over a regionally renown chef to make us a wedding brunch.  She came in with haphazard bags, a dog, and a cat.  She dimped everything in the galley kitchen, including the animals, and settled into the living room to conduct an interview.  The cat and dog had unsupervised run of the kitchen.

After taking all this in I get notification that a tour group was en route to the apartment - apparently they had booked a brunch with this chef, at this loction, at the same time as our brunch.  I am livid and truly confused.  I take my friend and we go down the street to meet the group.  After they confirm their reservation I graciously lead them up to the apartment, past the interview and straight into the kitchen with the dog and the cat.

They cancel their reservation.

Back on the street I help them book a new reservation at a restaurant down the street.  They are so grateful to me that they crowdfund $2000 and Cashapp it to me immediately.  I try to decline but they insist, then go off to enjoy their brunch.

Back in the apartment more people have come in and left various luggage and things all over.  As we pick our way through I come across a bag full of white envelopes.  There is money overflowing it, and the envelopes all have my name written in cursive.  I am floored.  I am overjoyed.  I start to cry and just chant "thank you, thank you" over and over.