Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Nike dreams

I dreamed I was in a hospital just after surgery for several complications, including disease and an accident.  After receiving discharge orders I find myself in a parking lot holding a guy's black Nikes with purple trim.  I end up throwing one of the shoes at the guy's windshield.  He then sells them to me for $100.  I immediately accept a workout tournament challenge to win back my money.  Boo, Christi, Jorge, Reg, Dawn, Sean and Lynsey are all competing.  I end up on top of a large board that is unevenly weighted, and it falls over with my arm trapped underneath.  If falls far enough to wear I would also bang my head on the ground, and the weighted projects on either side are heavy enough to crush my right shoulder and neck.  I wake up as I fall, however. 

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