Sunday, December 18, 2016

36 Becca Truths

Facts and opinions of yours truly
1.  I was born in Detroit, MI
2.  I was adopted when I was 15 days old.  
3.  For the first 5 years of my life I lived with my aunt (I called her my grandmother), her husband (I called him my dad), her daughter (I called her my sister) and saw my mom and Papa on weekends.
4.  I am a huge Mississippi State fan.  I am also a USM fan.  I will probably cheer for any school in Mississippi EXCEPT for TSUN. 
5.  I cheer for the Detroit Lions, Oakland Raiders and New Orleans Saints, but I’m not really an NFL fan.  I did pay more attention to the Cowboys this year.
6.  I’ve been in college entirely too long lol.  I spent 3 years at MS State, 1 year at UAB and… 6 years at Jeff State.  In my defense, I am paying for the Associates myself so I can only go when I have money :-D After this last class I will have an Associates in Art.  I do plan to continue my Sociology degree at Montevallo.
7.  As long as they aren’t playing State I’ll cheer for Auburn.  I'll ALWAYS cheer for UAB (Go Blazers!).  I’ll also cheer for South Alabama, UWA, UNA, AAMU, and ASU.  I’ll probably never cheer for that school in Tuscaloosa.
8. I am a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi, the best co-ed band service fraternity in the world.
9. I LOVE coffee. 
10.  I LOVE dark beer.  Coffee stouts & oatmeal stouts are favorites.  
11.  One time, long ago when I was still in junior high, I had a poem published in a compendium that was bound and sold.  I do not remember the name of it and I don’t even remember which poem I submitted.  
12.  When I was younger I would watch Star Wars every year when it came on network TV.  I had a huge crush on Darth Vader.
13.  I want to open a video game lounge, or barcade as I call it…but I’m not a gamer.  I don’t even really have a favorite video game character.  There are two console games I used to love:  Dinowars and Dr. Mario.  Anything else past those two and I’m clueless
14.  I have 5 favorite colors.  In order of preference:  gray, fuchsia, silver, orange, blue
15. My second favorite flower was my mom’s favorite:  sunflowers
16.  My favorite flower is any type of lily
17.  The first family pet I remember was Dan.  He was a mutt who lived at my grandmother’s house.  He was the best ever
18.  I have a rap name!  I haven’t produced anything under it yet but I still think I might form a girl group one day.  My rap name is Bex B-Wrecka
19.  The name of my girl group is going to be BoyShort. 
20.  I rarely drink Starbucks, but when I do, I almost always go for a Cinnamon Dolce Latte
21.  I want to travel out of the country one day!   My first stop is Morocco.  I also want to visit Belize and Tibet.
22.  My dream sports car is a Bentley Continental GT convertible
23. Pancakes, peanut butter, potatoes, and steak are food groups for me.  But I’m not a picky eater :-P 
24. My favorite cake is birthday cake – no sprinkles.  
25.  I don’t like peppermint candy but I love peppermint tea
26. I’m allergic to cherries and mushrooms.  Every once in a while I’ll have a weird reaction to fruit.  A lot of times my skin will react to air.
27. Coca Cola is better than Pepsi.  It’s my birthday and I say so, so end-o story-o  :-D
28.  I really do believe that being kind does not always equal being nice.  As I get older that has become an interestingly complicated lesson to master.
29 I do not want kids.  I actually never wanted any.  When we first got married Reg and I discussed having up to 5, and even came up with names.  Now we can barely keep up with the two cats and the turtle we room with :-P
30. I really only go to the movies for the popcorn.
31.  I sometimes miss living in the country but I do enjoy the conveniences of the city.  I also think Jones County and Oktibbeha County, MS are truly God’s Country.  Pass the sweet tea, please.
32.  My favorite story of all time is The Wizard of Oz.  A close second is the book Clover by Dori Sanders.  
33. I am discovering a love for hot tea.  On a good day I have 4 cups – 1 on the drive to work, 1 after coffee, 1 after lunch, and 1 before bed.  Good way to get water in, too.
34.  I LOVE puns.  The cheesier the better.  
35.  My favorite insect is the dragonfly and my favorite fish is a minnow.
36.  I love to travel and really enjoy coastal areas.  I’m not the biggest beach person but I do love being near water.
Fun fact:  I was going to do this last year but I couldn’t think of 35 things that were interesting enough to pen.  Now I can actually think of more than 36 things.

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