Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Finally home.  Praise God for traveling grace.

I cannot explain just how awesomely amazing watching...experiencing a total eclipse is.  Totality is...incredible.  Words nor pictures of the event do this day justice, truly.  I cannot speak about reactions in other places but the park where we watched was jammed packed with people of all types and from all places, but once totality was achieved every single person was on their feet and cheering like we'd all just won some lottery.

I want to believe we all for about 2 minutes forgot everything except that moment and just reached with our souls to truly see how awesome and magnificent this....thing outside ourselves truly was.  Nature and science melded into this most beautiful event, and I completely understand why people chase total eclipses now.  I am so happy and blessed to have been able to see it, and to stand with friends to witness it.

My favorite part was watching the corona appear.  There is something magical and mystical about those tendrils whipping about the circumference of the moon.  I could truly stand there and stare at it, memorize every single bit forever.

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