Sunday, April 17, 2016

Do you ever sit and wonder what your gift in life might be?

I know some people are meant to be healers, protectors, or comforters, or teachers, or leaders.  Some are uniquely made for stardom.Then there are "the least of these", and even less likely to be noticed, the lesser - we who fill in the gaps.
I remember being a kid and being fascinated by words.  Two that have always come back to me are patience and tolerance.  Both can be so expansive, yet each has to have a limit, not just to compliment justice but to also serve as barrier to your own personal breaking point.
I think one reason why I like my degree so much is because when we study a situation, or society from different sides we create more opportunity to see balance, fairness, but also the more harsh imbalances and unjustness.  And then when we know better we can choose to do better.

I suppose my takeaway is your gift should not just be recognized but also acted upon, even if it will never bring you fame or fortune.  I am happiest when I can touch and agree with all sorts of people from different walks, and also sit and listen to differences of opinion and find common ground.  I love recognizing barriers and forging bridges.  We're all in this together and we need each other to make it through. 

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