Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jurassic dream

Y'all ready for another crazy dream of mine?

I dreamed I worked in a large, opaque unmarked highrise. Inside we would bend time and space to create "portal balls" - bouncy, stretchy, and looked like liquid filled spheres that captured and jetted all the monsters and animals used in sci-fi or horror movies back to a time or place where they actually existed. Think Alien, Jurassic Park, ...and Disney.

Anyway, one day we were working with interstellar monsters and word got out to the activists who were against our work so they waited until we left for the day (my coworkers and I always left after dusk and traveled in different directions) to attack the building. When we were alerted we rushed back, but before I could get inside I rounded a corner of the building that had some high grass and realized some of the woodland creatures in Bambi had escaped and learned how to duplicate themselves. I had to convince their leader to round up his crew, go back inside, and we would discuss the consequences of them trying to take over Earth after I finished saving these activists from horror and sci-fi creatures who could easily overpower them.

Surprisingly, their cute furry leader was agreeable and even offered to help fight.

Once we got inside of course utter chaos ensued. Some of the activists had gotten into some serums we were using to keep the portal balls round and so they were in some weird trance and trying to climb through walls using ice ladders (yeah, I dunno).

I don't remember how we subdued everyone but I think it involved trapping some of them in other worlds before the authorities got there.

And then I woke up. Happy Monday, Folks!

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