Tuesday, October 10, 2017

work drinking dream

Y'all ready for another dream story? This one is about work...

As you know I work for a printing and manufacturing company. In my dream I was brought back a job that had two components - some drafts and a flipbook that kind of looked like coupons. I discovered a print error on the first page of the coupon book so pulled a manager over to help me figure out the job number - oddly none of the tracking paperwork came back with the job. We consulted one lady in our Quality department via WebEx (odd because the quality department is right behind Client Services) but she wasn't able to answer our questions. Suddenly the manager and I were pulled in through the WebEx back through time and space where we landed in a kitchen. There was a big fire going at the hearth and pot of bubbling...something. Three old sisters came in and started preparing tea over powdered sugar (what?) And chanting. The Quality lady was there and she says "this tea will help you see the job number. You must drink!"

And then I woke up.

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