Saturday, March 19, 2016

Disappointed in those who represent my faith

So, I picked up this book at the Library Book Sale called More Turkey Soup for the More Sarcastic Soul. So far, it has been an amusing take on one guy’s spiritual journey as a minister. I’ve even found some quote-worthy material in the pages.

Unfortunately, the passage I read tonight is now making me regret quoting from, or even buying this book.
I guess, when I looked at this book at the library, I felt a bit of trepidation in buying it, and honestly I figured it was going to be a “just short of an atheistic view” read. It seemed funny enough but I couldn’t really tell just from the book jacket what I was getting into. I even put it down at one point but something led me back to it. Maybe it’s one of those situations where it’s supposed to teach you how not to be/think/do?
At any rate, here’s the passage:
On June 8th CNN reported that in the year 632 A.D., Mohammed, the founder of Islam died. The sad thing is that I watch CNN every day and I have not heard an update on his condition. I’m thankful I have a faith that includes a Resurrection!
Now, this passage is signed “Mike G. Williams, who is the author of this book. So this passage was thought cute and necessary to be included by none other than the pastor himself. The pastor of the Baptist, Christian faith that I was supposedly raised to believe is “the way”.
That’s a horrifying thought.
So, what you’re saying to me, Minister, is that it’s ok for you to just blatantly say “my religion is better than yours” because my supernatural event stories are more profound and epic. Now, with this statement I’m not saying that I don’t believe in the Resurrection. My problem is that this minister seems to be undermining another religion’s beliefs because they aren’t “his” way.
I don’t care what you believe, but my two basic rules are these: 1) you NEVER push your beliefs on someone else. 2) you NEVER make fun of someone else’s beliefs or thinking or philosophies. To me, that’s plain rude and downright discourteous. It shows me that you do not even respect me as a human being to have my own thoughts or intellectual ability.
PLUS, it really bothers me that a minister, of all people, with a published work, would be so shallow and contrary to his own supposed beliefs. I mean, Christianity’s basic tenet is to be accepting of any and all people regardless of origin, right? But you just told me and the entire world that your religion, because you believe it to be true, is better than someone else’s. That I refuse to tolerate and I feel action must be taken.
I’m starting with this post, but I may contact Mike G. Williams himself (I dunno that he’s worthy of the title “pastor”). I mean, am I wrong to be offended by this post? Am I missing something here? Maybe it’s humorous to some, but it still feels very offensive on quite a few levels. I do hope I’m reading the quote wrong, but I think that there is a tolerance issue here.

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