Saturday, March 19, 2016

My Way of Thinking

As a kid, my favorite songs were "Jesus Loves Me" and "We've Come this Far by Faith" (as though I'd come a long way at 5)

In my teens, I loved the song "Speak to My Heart".  I really wanted to be a type of spiritual leader when I was younger and I felt closest to God during this time.

When I hit my 20s, I fell in love with the line from a song in the Broadway play Les Miserables:  "To love another person is to see the face of God".  I was quite the hippie in my 20s.

Now that I'm 31, I'm a bit more cynical.  I'm trying to find my way back to God.  I try to read the Bible, volunteer, and hold fairly decent conversations, but I'm not quite on board with the whole church thing as of yet.  I feel the tug, but not to any particular venue.  Just gotta keep praying, I suppose.  At any rate, this past year has been an eye opener for me, so the best line I can think to describe it is this:

"I asked the Lord to protect me from my enemies and I started losing friends."

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