I had a lot stronger relationship with God when I was younger. I want to get back to that point.
One morning I took an early walk
The Lord fell in step beside me.
The pair of us was a sight to see -
Father and child in conversation.
I asked my Dad, "What make You of this?"
I felt his warm smile encourage me to continue.
"What make You of this grass?" I asked.
"I know what it is I see.
blades are like little swords that shield the ground from the burning
sun. They photosynthesize - made green as they protect, and think! all
those natural chemicals mix and mingle within its skin."
"You made it, Father?" I questioned Him.
"Yes," was His simple reply.
"And it is good?" I persisted. His warmth fused once again.
A little father along I gazed into His Heavenly hoe.
"What make You of the sky?" I asked.
"What of the color, and its contents?
Do not You marvel at the cool hue - symbols of cleansing and health - what of the many clouds that bunch and spin?
They also renew, when the rain comes and goes -- the cycle is complete."
Puzzled, I turned to Him.
"You made this?" my question was hazarded.
"And it is good?" I double checked
"Why, yes, don't you think so?" was His amused reply.
Safe and satisfied, I sought to follow Him.
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