Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sociology and Psychology and Anthropology and Archaeology and....oh my!

Edit:  This was an old Facebook post from my previous Facebook profile

Reading for my Anthropology quiz tomorrow, and I am continually fascinated by the theories that are presented in this and my Sociology texts.
Right now we're discussing evolution, and the idea is that, during the early years evolution was thought to be an upwardly moving chain of events, the base being barbarianism (is that a word?) and the top being civilization as it was known at whatever time the study came out. But now we know that evolution isn't always linear, which gives credence to my idea that evolution and Creationism MUST exist together or perhaps in tandem. (Kind of supports the whole "Nature vs Nurture" debate, where the end result was found that both exist together.) At any rate, I still don't believe that we "evolved" from apes or chimpanzees or whatever but I can see where we might have had a common ancestor. After all, if we came from them, then why are they still here? Maybe that's over-simplifying things, but, hey, I've got a lot to learn still.

my friend Kyle says of this post:
Well, you are exactly right. Modern apes and humankind simply share a modern ancestor. We didnt come from them and they from us. We are brothers and sisters of the same parent.

DJ, my athiest friend, suggests caution:

My advice is to not forge reality to fit a preconceived idea or belief. Trust evidence and rationality and you can draw empirical conclusions to all of life's little mysteries.

Alma, my Methodist friend who is a fellow Sociology student, adds this:
Here's another kink in the evolution/creation debate that was offered up by a friend at church a few weeks ago: If you believe that God is capable of creating the world, then isn't He capable of creating a world that scientifically appears to have been around for millions of years? I'm with you, Becca, that the two must exist together or in tandem.

DJ, ever the "realist", responds:
With all due respect, there is no kink of any kind. There is no credible evidence for Creationism that stands up to scrutiny. If there was, it would be considered a science. The moment you begin to indoctrinate impressionable minds to irrational thought is the moment you destroy that persons ability to discover truths

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