Saturday, March 19, 2016

Old Facebook status updates

Random, right?

Status Updates 01.15.10

1) Sent a tweet this morning: "#bullsh**" several times, ending with "#angrytweet". Guess I am a little pissed, but it's hard to articulate what I'm so mad about. However, I think it goes along with this status: I'm not sick. These are just symptoms of being me.

2) Sometimes, when I think fondly of my friends, I don't call or text them. I just check their latest status on Facebook. Is that a sign of losing touch with reality?

3)It's a government conspiracy!

4) They're taxing us into prosperity!

5) Who am I kidding - it's all about money. Live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...yep. money.

6)"Son" is the new "Nigga" b/c it's up to us to school these fools on how to effectively battle with words.

7)Sometimes, I think in text. Like, literally. Especially if I'm on the phone with someone. I have to "see" the words being typed out on the blank white space that would be a text environment background - tis why I sometimes use unorthodox words, like "shenanigans".

8) Even though Sunday is my absolute favorite day of the week, Friday is becoming a close second. Even beating out Saturday. And that worries me. I started realizing only this week that Friday is so appealing - also this week I've noticed that my motivation and my perseverance has gone waaaay down....coinkidink? I think not....


Status updates 01.14.10

1) R.I.P. Teddy Pendergrass. Did you know he was once a part of Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes?

2) Verse o' the day: Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
This verse is so deep, man, yet insistently simple. God is asking in this chapter "why would you create an image and then fall down to worship it? What has this piece of wood, or piece of metal that YOU shaped, save you, deliver you, answer your prayers, sustain your hopes, etc? Essentially, God is asking, #wheretheydothatat? You see you can't trust yourself, much less your fellow man, to deliver on his promise to you - why in the world do you think a piece of wood could do the same? #SMH...

3) I'm a sucker for pretty girls that smile at me.
So, I saw this really pretty girl at Burger King yesterday - first person in any BK drive thru that's ever smiled. I thought that deserved an honorable mention.

4) I think "hubris" sounds like "pubis" and that makes me giggle.
Hubris means extreme haughtiness or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of touch with reality and overestimating one's own competence or capabilities, especially for people in positions of power. Pubis means...well, you can look that one up.

5) I am thankful for buns. They hold my meat. (I love you, Reggie)
This status came to me as my delicious double Whopper, no mayo no cheese, fell apart as I got down to the last few bites. And I love Reggie because he has nice big buns. They make a soft pillow. (that...oddly sounded like I just admitted to kissing his butt. I don't. usually.)

6) Big Business
In light of the NFL anti-trust case that is in the news right now, here's my personal opinion on Big Business:
They got big because they did something right. They know how to play the game, to supply what the public needs faster than their competition. The early bird catches the worm.
However, I do not like when companies get so big they lose sight of the people who built the company - mainly the workers, warehousers, suppliers, etc. Take Walmart, for instance. Walmart treats its employees like utter s*** because they can. Walmart makes more money than most small or medium sized countries, yet the coworkers are making barely minimum wage and their benefits suck.

7) Epic!
I lost my gum when I was flossing my teeth. I like to think the floss and the gum were having an epic battle over the health of my teeth.

8) Why yes, I DO frequently burst out into song...
If you came with your own theme music, would the music change depending on whatever you are doing? I.e., if I were mackin', would you suddenly hear R&B? Or if I were praying, would you get some inspirational Gospel? Or if I were mad, would you get punk rock?

9) #Twitter is better than #FB because
3 reasons:
a) I don't have to listen to people whine about their politial or religious beliefs, since I don't follow them. Instead, I get info that's important, like this:
TamaraDamians RT @Jess_Stam: American Airlines will transport any doctor or nurse to Haiti free of charge, call +1 212-697-9767, please help spread th ...

b)140 characters - you have to be funny or you just shut up. See?:
JJUiCEE RT @Aye If @ecolston Was a Dog He'll be a Poodle @Pasocca<----lmao *dead*

c) I can connect with a lot of people who share my interests and not have to learn much more about them than that, unless I want to. For instance:
@bhamterminal Yeah, we had to mention the Cantina Tequilabot eventually... #bham

Facebook still rocks because it's a great way to keep up with my family that I don't talk to, and my friends, old and new, can find me (and I can stalk them). I love Facebook most because I can share pictures easily and see what people are interested in - it's a wonderful way to study the characters that make up my life.

10) I love/hate water
My body not only knows when I don't drink water like I should - it seems to take pleasure in punishing me. I'm supposed to drink half my body weight, in ounces, of water. If I drink any less than that, things start to hurt. Joints start not working correctly. But dang, that's a lot of water! Decisions, decisions...


Status updates 01.13.10

I keep saying I'm going to make all my status updates notes from now on - but sometimes I can't resist a quick line. At any rate, this will be up until I get home, then it'll move to my blog. No one reads notes, anyway, and they read blogs even less, so....

1)New favorite snack
I love greek yogurt. I think I will add it to my new food routine. My goal is water at 5:30 before during and after my workout, fruit smoothie on the way to work; new breakfast will be salad at 7:45-8; cup of greek yogurt at 10:30. Lunch out, then some funky cool dinner after the evening workout.

Way to start off the new year, WAR. I know now to check for a flyer or something on a web page, so I can reference it, before I post secondhand information. Since the idea of skipping our charter meeting tonight and going down to the Wine Loft on 1st Ave North for the young professionals/mayoral candidate networking mixer was brought up in the meeting, I figured we should pub the event and get people interested in meeting us there. So I made the event, based on the info I was given, as our page's status. I should've known when I got the day wrong the first time to go and double check my info, but nooooo...that status has been up 3 days now, and we just found out last night around midnight that the time was wrong. And it's impossible to know if people even read our statuses, much less plan events based on the info we give, but nonetheless, we were wrong, and that's embarrassing and unprofessional. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk.

3) Verse o' the day
John 14:1-4 has always been my absolute favorite passage in the world. It is always used during funerals back in my home church, as they bring in the body. Even when I was little, I would envision the words of this passage reaching out from the minister to touch each family, to ease their grief. I guess that was my visualization of the Holy Spirit. At any rate, I've been reading a chapter a day from my living Bible in the truck while I wait for it to warm up, so I decided to read the whole chapter this morning. I am now adding John 14:27 to my growing list of verses that speak to me personally: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

4) Healthcare @ work
(angry tweet) #gotohellolemiss it doesn't take you a week to answer one question. #wheretheydothatat?
Now, as most of my friends know by now, Reggie lost his job right before Christmas. (December was a VERY trying month, actually). During one of the final conference calls from the San Diego main office of Verari, they told us that his health insurance was paid up through December 31st. We found out right around New Year's that Reggie could possibly be added to my health coverage through work, so BCBS sent us the paperwork - all we had to do was turn in the paperwork within 60 days to my rep and they'd do the rest.
Why can't I get anyone in my office to even answer my question or direct me on how to get this done???? I sent an email to our VP just before New Year's, asking who had taken over since our HR person was gone (I miss Tanya - I don't know that I appreciated her enough while she was here). VP says email the payroll clerk. (um...ok) so I email her. She forwards the email to the staff accountant, who replies back to her "I'll address this when I get to work on Monday" (after New Year's). Cool. I wait till Monday and send the accountant a follow up email: "Hi there, whenever you get a chance, I still have my insurance question." Two days later, no response. So when the payroll clerk brings by our checks that week, I ask her if the staff accountant is in the office, with the idea that maybe I'll just pay her a visit. Payroll clerk reacts as though I spit flames at her. (odd.)
A WEEK LATER, and still no response. Knowing that I really don't want to spend $600 on Reggie's insulin, I send ANOTHER email. "Hi ___, hope you've had a productive first week in 2010. Still got that insurance question when you have a moment."
Finally, a response! "Hey, so sorry - what was your question again?" UGH!!!
Repeated question, now waiting on a response. All I can say is "#gotohellolemiss!" since she graduated from there. And that better not be the reason why she's avoiding me (she knows I went to State; she's given me the stink eye when she saw me wear the mighty maroon and white). I will bust windows if I find out the problem is as shallow as that.

5) Riviera and the pimps
So, we went to work out with Karen last night at Riviera. Cool place - equipment is a bit worn, but they have a lot of different machines that Planet Fitness doesn't. We started out in the Cardio Cinema, which was really cool, except obviously the treadmills in there were not meant for you to run on (bummer), but the ellipticals were cool. After about 20 minutes of that, I ventured out into the weights area to tackle some machines. As I'm working out, I notice "the roosters". These were guys who strutted around "the yard", usually with a one or two smaller guys, or talking loudly on cell phones, showing off their muscles by flexing and doing really heavy short sets on various machines. Their eyes dart quickly back and forth so they can notice who's noticing them. They also loudly announce what their next set would be, or their next destination, or what their stats are. Funny stuff.

6) Haiti, conspiracy, help them out
So, this morning, while dressing for work, I relayed the message to Reggie that Haiti had been through a 7.5 earthquake yesterday. (#prayforHaiti). In our usual joking manner (#dontjudgeme, I mean no offense), I told him that I think the earthquake and the resulting tsunami scare was really just a government conspiracy to take over Haiti and control black folks. I didn't realize just how mundane that argument was until, on Tom Joyner this morning, Sheryl Underwood said pretty much the same thing: "How come the earthquake only hit the black side of Haiti? Since they're connected to the Dominican Republic, which is mostly Spanish..."
At any rate, here are a few ways you can help out with relief:

- huffingtonpost: RT @whitehouse: Text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to @RedCross relief efforts in #Haiti. Learn more: @dipnote

- RT@RevRunWisdom: Text 501501 Yele.. Donate 5 dollars to Haiti.. it goes to ur cell phone.. pls consider!

7) Sprint
Well, Sprint has finally done it. We got the letter yesterday that Sprint will charge $4.99 a month to any account that is not signed up for automatic billing. WTH??? Why should I have pay a penalty because I won't allow my cell phone company to take charge of my bank account? Is this even legal??? More research to come....

8) DST and sis
Today is the 97th anniversary of the founding of Delta Sigma Theta sorority, INC. My sister, Agnes, said when she was at Tougaloo she always wanted to pledge, but she never had the money, and then she never graduated. I looked up to Agnes, so of course whatever she said she wanted, I wanted, too. Of course, of the years, I've done my own research on DST and I realize that even if Agnes had never said anything, I would still want to be a Delta. So for the last few years I have said that if I ever go back to school, when I become a senior, I will pledge. I think I look GREAT in red.

9) #random I always wake up craving coffee

10) nailbiting - I've got to stop biting my nails. It's gross, my fingers hurt, and my throat always feels clogged. Yuck!

11) #RandomReggie Why do government officials have that "slow blink" - basically a glacial existence? Are they bored? - more from Reggie's blog.

12) We are reorganizing the office this weekend - at least it's a 3 day weekend. Yay for Dr. King (R.I.P.) - I've never liked king cakes but I'll make some confetti brownies or something. We need to reorganize, anyway - so much paper that needs to be filed, plus we're missing some important documents and they must be found immediately.

13) nipple cuttage
You know what I think would hurt? Having your nipple cut off. Especially by a sword or some other razor sharp edge. #imjustsaying.

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