Saturday, March 19, 2016

Dream 2 am boiling dogs dead Indian

I dreamed there was a dog living inside another dog.  The dog was black and you could see its head and one foot sticking out of the side of the other dog, who was brown.  Both dogs were fully gown - the brown dog was old and very sick, bony.  The black dog was a parasite feeding on the other dog, and taking over.  Both dogs were boys - the black dog, as a puppy, crawled into an absess in the brown dog's stomach and got stuck.  They grew together like that for several years.
I was living in a den - Reggie in the adjoining bedroom.  A little Asian girl pushed an icy coffin of an Eskimo man around the world and one day she left it next to my couch.  I asked Reggie if I could move in with him so I didn't have to sleep near the dead body.
My cousins were Fresh Prince and Martin characters and the episode started where one cousin had loads of money but came to visit another cousin - the two were fake friends and abused each other constantly.  One day I made coffee but I accidentally put tin foil over fire and set a coffeepot on fire.  It continued to churn bigger and bigger until all my cousins were boiling in a lake of fire.  We had to take boiling hot water from the sink to put it out.  Mike was there.

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